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Angel Reiki | Four Archangels | Energy Healing | Curse Breaker | Archangelic Banishing | - Full Session

Angel Reiki | Four Archangels | Energy Healing | Curse Breaker | Archangelic Banishing | - Full Session

Regular price $500.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $500.00 USD
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This is one of my most powerful forms of healing available. Message me if you need assistance, as not all cases need THIS much power for healing.

This is an evocation and invocation of the Four Chief Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel.

The Four Archangels will be tasked to:

-Undo any Black Magick, Curses, or Hexes done against you or a loved one.

-Banish any lower-vibrational spirits that may latch on if you have been dabbling with the occult or other spellwork

-Remove any unwanted visitations, possessions, or any attacks by malicious spirits. Including Ancestral Spirits.

-Shield you from future attacks by repeat offenders

-Cut the chords of anything harmful around you within the Astral Plane

-Protect you from Astrological retrogrades

-Balance out your meridians, your chi flow, and undo any Chakra Imbalances:

The signs of Chakra Imbalance:

Root Chakra issues: Reproductive and sexual related issues. Stress on Financial security.

Sacral Chakra issues: Emotion or desire is stunted, having trouble expressing emotions. High alert with a constant fear of being betrayed.

Solar Plexus Chakra issues: Chronic Fatigue, a harsh unrelenting inner critic, a huge fear of rejection

Heart Chakra issues: Jealousy, Bitterness, a Fear of being alone

Throat Chakra issues: Issues expressing yourself, a feeling of being out of control.

Third-eye Chakra issues: Moodiness, Stubbornness, Issues keeping an open mind, Trouble experiencing spiritual phenomenon

Crown Chakra issues: Over analyzing everything, crippling fear of Alienation, Hopelessness

This is both Spellwork/Evocation & Energy Healing.

The benefits of Energy Healing:

-Repairs and improves energetic imbalances

-Improves overall health, vitality, and wellbeing

-Improves on mood, and helps ease anxiety symptoms

-Improves on sleep quality

-Increases energy, libido, less brain fog

-Decreases pain, or any sort of discomfort that you may have

NOTE: If you are in physical danger please direct yourself to the proper authorities to help you. I am not a replacement for any emergency services of any kind. If you are in danger; call the police.

DISCLAIMER: By Law as well as Etsy Policy; I must state that this listing is for entertainment purposes only. All products and services sold by seller are not viable replacements for medical, psychological, or legal services and should not be used to replace traditional medicine or legal advice. We will not be held liable or accountable for any consequences resulting from our services. All sales final and no refunds or returns under any circumstances unless decided by the seller. I have the right to refuse service.

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