How long does it take to cast?

Usually at most it will ever take is up to 7 business days after your order. If your order is more custom in nature, it may take longer

Why are some evocations priced differently?

Different ranks of spirits determine the cost of the evocation. If you're evoking a King in the Goetia; The evocation will take some more materials than usual.

I have a custom request. Do you do those?

Yes I do. Please feel free to inquire and I'll be happy to find a way to make your wishes a reality.

Is there a time-frame when the spellwork's results happen?

Short answer is No. There are over 7 Billion people on this earth, each with their own lives ahead of them. Life is so incredibly complicated that we can't measure or predict when things happen all the time. Your situation is unique to yourself. That includes your results. The timing will come differently from others. If patience is an issue; Do not work with me.

Can you force someone to fall in love with me?

I can influence someone but I CANNOT force it. Free will cannot be altered or forced. I have plenty of love spells available, but please be weary that there doesn't exist a single spell that can alter free will.

Can you make me win the lottery?

I can help you make more frequent wins. Winning the grand jackpot? Absolutely not.

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